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   FAQ's and FACTs

Q: (29/11/05) How to activate PlexTools Professional (XL) after a system crash or new installation?
A: Once PlexTools Professional (XL) is installed on the system and activated, it is recommended to make a back-up of the license file.
The back-up can be very useful after a system crash and/or new installation, to activate the software again. You just need to replace the original license file by the back-up license file.
Name and location of the license file:
All-Users-Profile ... \element5\Licenses\B30FC000.dat (PlexTools Professional XL)
All-Users-Profile ... \element5\Licenses\B3013000.dat.dat (PlexTools Professional)

Q: (13/01/05) With some units of new generation PlexFlash (PX-FXXX-2) the software is missing, where can I find it?
A: You can dowload the Keysafe and Mkey software for the new PlexFlash generation (here. )
Remark: this software will not work on any other PlexFlash drive.

Q: (10/12/04) Why can I only choose between MPEG and DivX with only one quality, instead of beeing able to choose between MPEG1,2,4 and DivX when trying to select a different capture profile?
A: This can be related to the presence of another capture device on your pc.
Therefore we would advice you to uninstall that other capture device.
This should solve the problem.

Q: (28/05/04) The Pinnacle Studio 9 software that is bundled with the PX-712A does not recognise the serial number mentioned on the CD.
A: Please send an email to with the serial number of the unit PX-712A.
The serial number of the Pinnacle software will be replied to you as soon as possible.
If you encounter problems we request you to fillout the Feedback page.

Q: (21/01/04) Which media can I use for the PX-708A/UF ?
A: In order to find at which speed your media can be written, please refer to the compatible media list.
If not listed, you can run the CDVDINFO tool to check the brand of the media.
When the brand is not listed, you can save the result of CDVDINFO and send it attached with an email to [email protected]
We will investigate if this media is qualified to be supported with future firmware releases.

Q: (05/06/03) How can I register my new Plextor product?
A: You can register on-line your Plextor product on the support page.
By registering on-line we are able to analyse your data and opinion in order to determine future customer's needs.
For registration please visit our Support page.

Q: (12/05/03) When running PlexTools on a system with NVIDIA chipset, PlexTools crashes.
A: PlexTools crashes when the NVIDIA busmaster drivers v2.03 are installed.
Please install the latest Nvidia unified driver to fix this problem.
More info can be found on the Nvidia drivers page

Q: (27/03/03) PlexTools advises me to update the ASPI layer, what does that mean?
A: To stabilise your Windows environment with use of CD-recorders, one needs a recent ASPI layer.
You should download an update to ASPI layer V4.70. .

Q: (25/02/03) Does the PlexWriter support 90/99 min media ?
A: PlexWriters support only media according to the Orange book standard as official recommended media.
Media with capacity over 79 minutes are not part of this standard and are officially not supported on PlexWriters.
Some PlexWriters can take benefit of such media and allow writing to the full capacity by means of a firmware upgrade.
More info can be found on the Media page

Q: (07/01/03) PlexTools V1.18 gives an error that OLEACC.DLL is missing. PlexTools V1.17 works fine.
A: This problem can happen on systems where Windows 95 or Windows 98, or Internet Explorer v4.01 is running.
Solutions: - install Windows 98 Service Pack 1
or - upgrade to Internet Explorer V5.01
For more info look here .

Q: (10/12/02) What can I do if the firmware upgrade for the W4824TA is failing ?
A: By enabling the DMA jumper on the rear of the W4824TA the firmware upgrade should work fine.
No other changes are required.

Q: (11/10/02) When PlexTools reports: "Source disc too large", what does this mean?
A: This warning message might be caused by a CD-recording program that has a "Hide CDR" option (e.g. CloneCD) or a Virtual CD-Rom Drive.
Even after closing the program this setting can remain active.
Please deactivate this option in the recording software or remove the Virtual CD-Rom Drive.

Q: (24/09/02) How come that DAE in PlexTools does not display the track titles?
A: In PlexTools go to Options/Preferences and in the file name options box,
type in file construction field the relevant parameter such as: %N = Track Number, %T = Track Title, %A = Track Artist, %C = Disc Title, %I = ISRC code
If the titles are not visible, you can edit your own or make a connection to Freedb to download the track titles.

Q: (10/09/02) PlexTools crashes after installing an upgrade, what can I do?
A: Please delete the registry settings: they are located in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Plextor\PlexTools. Plextools should start after this.

Q: (23/08/02) Do all Plexwriters come with a 2-year warranty period ?
A: The Plextor recorders distributed by Plextor Europe are covered by a 2-year warranty period from the model W2410TA and later.
Plextor recorders released before the W2410TA model came with 1 year warranty period.
For each model the warranty period can be found on the drive specification page.

Q: (01/07/02) Can I use a Plextor USB drive in DOS as boot device ?
A: USB drives are only supported on Windows 98SE, Win2000, WinME and WinXP.
Therefore booting from a USB device is not possible, neither to restore data from CD via DOS-based programs.

Q: (12/06/02) No software other than PlexTools was delivered with the PlexWriter, what can I do?
A: There are 2 versions of PlexWriters: retail-version, which contains bundled software such as Nero, PlexTools and a bulk-version which contains only PlexTools.
In order to use other recording software, please consult the Recording software page.

Q: (31/05/02) What can I do if my USB-Plexwriter is not recognised on the USB 1.1 port ?
A: Windows Millenium, W2000 and WinXP should automatically detect the USB drive.
Should you experience a problem under Win98SE, try to install the USB 2.0 driver by running \USB driver\TPPINST.EXE from the PlexTools CD.

Q: (16/05/02) Will Plextor drives be Mount Rainier compatible?
A: The W4012TA/TU are Mount Rainier ready. The PX-W4824TA and PX-W4012TS are Mount Rainier compatible.
Plextor will release a firmware upgrade for the PX-W4012TA/TU drives to support Mount Rainier in the future.

Q: (08/05/02) How long does it take to return my Plextor drive from RMA service?
A: Typically when the drive is received at Plextor it will be serviced and returned within 3 days.
A courier service (DHL) will deliver next day in EC countries.
For info please check the RMA page.

Q: (03/05/02) Where can I download a driver for the PlexWriter?
A: You should install the latest busmaster drivers that are supplied by the manufacturer of the motherboard.
It has to correspond with the chipset used on the Atapi/IDE port.
For more info please check the support page.

Q: (16/04/02) What is the procedure for defective units?
A: Fill-out the RMA Request page in order to obtain an RMA number and instructions on what to do next. We will reply by email or fax explaining what to do next.
For info please check the RMA page.

Q: (13/04/02) Can my new PlexWriter write Safedisc V2.51 protected CD's?
A: We cannot answer any questions regarding raw writing or copy-protected CD's.

Q: (11/04/02) My Plextor recorder does not perform at maximum speed, many potential buffer underruns are reported.
A: To investigate this problem, please download PXInfo and send us the result of the program.
For more info please check the PXInfo page.

Q: (01/04/02) I have received my RMA number, but cannot find the invoice. What can I do?
A: If the manufacturing date on the device is less than 1 year old, there is no problem to send the unit without copy of the invoice. If older, the purchase date is calculated as 15 months added to manufacturing date. All other drives are out of warranty.
For more info please check on the Warranty page.

Q: (29/03/02) After upgrading to the latest version of Nero, I have more potential buffer underruns.
A: Please contact Ahead's website and access the Nero helptool for this problem.

Q: (22/03/02) Does the PX-S88TU work on a Windows95/98 system?
A: The Plextor PX-S88TU and PX-W2410TU require a USB2.0 interface to work in the most optimum condition. However on some Operating Systems that support USB 1.1, the drive will work at lower performance (4X Write, 6X Read). USB 1.1 is available since W98SE
For more info please check the USB page.

Q: (03/03/02) My Plextor drive is not recognised after a Windows upgrade
A: To investigate this problem, please download PXInfo and send us the result of the program.
For more info please check the PXInfo page.

Q: (22/02/02) My HP Pavillion2000 does not recognise the PX-W2410TU.
A: The HP Pavilion2000 loads "oakcdrom.sys" in config.sys during start up. Apparently this file conflicts with the USB2.0 driver for PX-W2410TU.
The 'oakcdrom.sys' driver is usually not necessary in Win98se so you can disable it as follows:
In CONFIG.SYS, please delete: 'device=c:\windows\oakcdrom.sys/d:oemcd001'.
In AUTOEXEC.BAT, please delete: 'install=c:\windows\command\mscdex.exe/d:oemcd001/l:m'.

Q: (11/02/02) My PlexWriter PX-W4012TA does not write at highest speed, how come?
A: Verify that you are using the correct certified media.
For more info please check the CD Media page.

Q: (01/02/02) Which media is suitable for my PlexWriter ?
A: Please consult our webpage with certified media for the Plextor Recorders.
For more info please check the CD Media page.

Q: (01/01/02) Is my Plextor drive compatible with Windows XP?
A: More information can be found on the Windows Hardware compatibilty List (On the Microsoft website under 'Storage/CD-RW')).
Please make sure your recording software is also compatible with your Windows version.
For more info please check the Software page.

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