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   FAQ, tips and tricks - UNIX - Linus - SGI

How can I boot from my CD-ROM drive in a UNIX environment?
How do I operate a Plextor CD-ROM drive with the SGI OS?

- How can I boot from my CD-ROM drive in a UNIX environment?

When you are working in a UNIX environment and want to boot from your CD-ROM drive, you must set the BLOCK switch/jumper ON because of the different Block size used on UNIX CD's.

- How do I operate a Plextor CD-ROM drive with the SGI OS?

The SGI OS does not support a generic SCSI-2 CD-ROM drive.
For IRIX 5.3, there is a special kit available i.e. a drive with a special firmware and driver.
For IRIX 6.X, most standard commands are supported without the need of a special driver.

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