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   FAQ, tips and tricks - Operating System

Why can't I format an unformatted floppy disk using Mac OS 10.1.x?
Why can't I read or write to a floppy disk that was formatted using Mac OS 10.1.x by using Mac OS 9.x?

- Why can't I format an unformatted floppy disk using Mac OS 10.1.x?

This is based on Mac OS 10.1.x specifications.
Use a different version of Mac OS (such as Mac OS 9.x) to format an unformatted disk first.

- Why can't I read or write to a floppy disk that was formatted using Mac OS 10.1.x by using Mac OS 9.x?

This is based on Mac OS 10.1.x specifications. If you would like to read or write using Mac OS 9.x, use a floppy disk formatted with that version of the operating system.

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