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   FAQ, tips and tricks - Operating System

Is the PX-EH25L compatible by Windows 98SE?
Is PX-EH25L supported by Mac-OS?

- Is the PX-EH25L compatible by Windows 98SE?

Plextor’s NAS is compatible with:
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 2000 Professional
  • Windows Me
  • Windows 98SE

- Is PX-EH25L supported by Mac-OS?

Yes, the unit is supported by Mac-OS, note that some files may not be readable by Microsoft windows environment and vice versa. A discrepancy can occur in the file storage information between the Windows and Macintosh services adopted by the PX-EH25L system.

Move the shared folder mounted on the Mac OS desktop into the trash bin, and then access the shared folder in the PX-EH25L using the Move menu (Mac OS X) or Chooser (Mac OS).

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