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How can I check the IP address of the PX-EH25L?
The IP address format of the PX-EH25L and setup computer is not correct or the PX-EH25L cannot be found in the network environment.

- How can I check the IP address of the PX-EH25L?

The IP address may not be obvious if it is automatically obtained from a DHCP server.
Try the following measures:

(A) Check from the information recorded in the DHCP server
The IP address information assigned to the PX-EH25L may be recorded in the broadband router or other equipment used as a DHCP server. For details, refer to the user's manual of the equipment used as a DHCP server.

(B)Find the IP address of the PX-EH25L using a PING command (Windows only)
1) Click Start, point to Programs( or All Programs), (point to Accessories), and then click Command Prompt( or MS-DOS prompt).
2) Enter ping PX-EH25L, and then press the Enter key.
(If the name of the PX-EH25L has been changed, enter the new name instead of PX-EH25L.)
3) When Pinging PX-EH25L []... is displayed, use the displayed IP address to open the setup screen.

- The IP address format of the PX-EH25L and setup computer is not correct or the PX-EH25L cannot be found in the network environment.

Change the IP addresses of the PX-EH25L and setup computer.
The workgroup name of the PX-EH25L is different from that of your computer.
Set the same workgroup name for the PX-EH25L and your computer.
It takes time to browse the network.
Click View, and then click Refresh.

Firewall software is used.
Set the firewall software to permit the use of the computer name (default setting: PX-EH25L) and IP address (default setting: of the PX-EH25L.
For details, refer to the user's manual of the software you are using.

The network function of Windows is unstable, so the network cannot be browsed correctly.

The PX-EH25L is not connected to the network correctly.
Confirm that the LINK LED on the back of the PX-EH25L is lit.
If the LINK LED is not lit, switch the MDI/MID-X selector switch.

Sometimes the PX-EH25L cannot be found by specifying the computer name as the search key.
Enter the IP address set for the PX-EH25L (default setting: as the search key.
* If the PX-EH25L is set as a DHCP client, the broadband router or other equipment used as a DHCP server may have recorded the IP address information assigned to the PX-EH25L.

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