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   FAQ, tips and tricks - Functionality

My headphone jack output doesn't work when I play audio CDs in Media Player.
My writer does not eject when I push the eject button.
There is no audio when I activate DAE in Windows XP on PX-40TS and the PX-32TS.
Can the PX-708A/UF or PX-712A/SA/UF write on the DVD+R DL media or can it do this in the future by updating the firmware?

- My headphone jack output doesn't work when I play audio CDs in Media Player.

On ATAPI or SCSI systems:
- The headphone jack on all the IDE/SCSI drives is analogue signal output. Windows Media Player and some other players use "Digital" playback.
- Because the signal can only go either analogue or digital there is no sound on the headphone jack when the Digital playback function is enabled.

On USB systems:
- The headphone jack on all devices is an analogue signal output. Because the signal can only go either analogue or digital there is no sound on the headphone jack when the Digital playback function is enabled.
- To activate this headphone jack you should disable the digital CD audio function in the device manager (properties - CD Rom) and enable the analogue playback function in the Windows multimedia player (options - devices - properties).


- My writer does not eject when I push the eject button.

On ATAPI systems:
- Make sure the IDE cable is correctly inserted and not damaged. Check the connector pins to ensure they are not bent.
- A CD-RW is in the writer and InCD was activated. Because InCD writes the information to the disc before it is ejected you can only eject the CD with the InCD eject function. This is to prevent possible data loss on the CD.
- The tray is locked by Plextools, check the settings in the Plextools software, section Drive Settings.
- You can make a test by removing the IDE cable from the drive and push the eject button. Please make sure to power down the system before removing any cable.

On USB systems:
- A CD-RW is in the writer and InCD was activated. Because InCD writes the information to the disc before it is ejected you can only eject the CD with the InCD eject function. This is to prevent possible data loss on the CD.
- The tray is locked by Plextools, check the Drive settings in the Plextools software.
- You can make a test by removing the USB cable from the drive and push the eject button.


- There is no audio when I activate DAE in Windows XP on PX-40TS.

Windows XP only supports DAE on MMC-compliant drives. Many older CD-ROM drives, including the Plextor 40 and 32 Max, are not MMC-compliant.For other Plextor devices, please look at My headphone jack output doesn't work when I play audio CDs in Media Player.


- Can the PX-708A/UF or PX-712A/SA/UF write on the DVD+R DL media or can it do this in the future by updating the firmware?

The PX-708A/UF and the PX-712A / SA are single layer recorders with a maximum storage capacity of 4.7 GB. They cannot write DVD+R DL media.(9.4 GB) This will not be changeable by means of a firmware update. A dual layer recorder manufactured by Plextor is not yet available. A complete list of recommended and compatible media is available on our media page.

However by means of installation of the latest firmware, DVD+R DL discs created on a dual layer recorder can be read.
Firmware updates are made available to implement minor adjustments and increase support and quality of the drive, the latest firmware revisions are made available on our firmware download page.

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