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   FAQ, tips and tricks - Firmware

What is firmware?
Which firmware version does your drive have?
How can the firmware of the Plextor drive be changed?
Where can I get new firmware?
Firmware upgrade for Plextor CD-ROM drives

- What is firmware?
  • The firmware of a device is the program code that is permanently stored in the drive's memory. It contains all the necessary software routines to make the drive fully functional. The firmware is the key component that is responsible for error-free and speedy reactions, in other words: the drive's performance.
  • Plextor spends a lot of engineering power on developping and optimizing the firmware and integrating those functions that take full advantage of the drive's chipset. The result is a fast and stable drive, with support of the latest technologies: highest recording and read speed, error-free DAE at the highest speed, CD TEXT, advanced BURN-Proof, support for a wide range of media, etc.

- Which firmware version does your drive have?
  • There are several ways to determine the firmware version of your drive:
    • under Windows, open Control Panel, Device Manager, select the drive's properties: in the settings window the firmware revision will be listed.
    • PlexTools can list the firmware revision in the General Information window.
    • Also the PXInfo utility can collect all relevant information of your drive.

- How can the firmware of the Plextor drive be changed?
  • The firmware of current CD-Recorders [for CD-ROM drives, see below] is stored in Flash ROM inside the drive. It can be changed (to both older or newer versions if available) by means of of a Firmware Upgrade program. Plextor has 2 programs available that perform the same function.
  • The first has the upgrade program and the firmware file integrated into one executable file. The usage is very simple (just execute) and it can be found on the Download Page.
  • The second way is to use plextor's universal upgrade program that works with seperate firmware files. It is slightly more complex to use, but may be interesting for professional users. This software can be found on the Download Page. On the same page, upgrade utilities for other Operating Systems (MS-DOS, OS/2, Linux, Unix, MacOS) can be found.

- Where can I get new firmware?
  • Please check the Download Page for the latest firmware available for your drive model.

- Firmware upgrade for Plextor CD-ROM drives:
  • PX-40TS: this drive can be upgraded in the same way as the Plextor CD-Recorders. Please check the Firmware Upgrades Page for the latest firmware available for this drive.
  • PX-32CS/TS: since this drive does not have a Flash ROM, the only way to change the firmware is by exchanging the firmware PROM. This chip is located and accessible at the bottom side of the drive.

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