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   FAQ, tips and tricks - Functionality

My portable USB hard disk can be set in 3 modes. How does it work?
Is there any difference between the "hard disk mode" and "writing allowed under the write protection mode?"
When I attach the hard disk to the computer, a screen displays a message asking me to choose an action for Windows to perform. What should I do?

- My portable USB hard disk can be set in 3 modes. How does it work?

The Portable hard disk has a switch on the back of the case and has 3 modes:
  • Write protection and recognized as removable storage.
    This ‘write protection mode’ is implemented in the hardware and will not affect Windows security options.
  • Recognised as a hard disk
    The external hard disk will be recognized as hard disk.
  • Recognised as a removable disc
    The external hard disk will be recognized as removable storage.
NOTE: Changing from mode will only effect after disconnecting and reconnecting the portable hard disk drive.

- Is there any difference between the "hard disk mode" and "writing allowed under the write protection mode?"

There is no difference between the "hard disk mode" and "writing allowed under the write protection mode" in terms of reading and writing data. This serves as a functional passing point when transitioning to the "write protection mode."

- When I attach the hard disk to the computer, a screen displays a message asking me to choose an action for Windows to perform. What should I do?

This is a standard function in Windows, and it automatically displays this message when a device containing data is attached to the computer.
If you do not intend to do anything specific, click Cancel.

To disable this display, follow the instructions below:
  1. Attach the applicable drive to the computer.
  2. Open My Computer, right-click the target drive and then select Properties to open it.
  3. Select the AutoPlay tab.
  4. Select Music Files, select Select an action to perform, select Take no action to highlight it, and then click the Apply button.
  5. Select Pictures, select Select an action to perform, select Take no action to highlight it, and then click the Apply button.
  6. Select Video Files, select Select an action to perform, select Take no action to highlight it, and then click the Apply button.
  7. Select Mixed Content, select Select an action to perform, select Take no action to highlight it, and then click the Apply button.
    Click OK at the end to close Properties. The display described above will no longer be displayed when a drive is attached.


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