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   FAQ, tips and tricks - Firmware

After updating the firmware revision of my PX-708A using my Windows XP system the drive reads much slower. How can I resolve this?

Description :
  • Firmware is pre-programmed software that is stored in a flash ROM chip mounted on the mainboard of the device.
  • The firmware software is created and tested like software. When new versions are ready, they can be distributed and installed in the programmable flash ROM of your device.
  • More information about the firmware's can be found on the firmware page.

Upgrades :
After updating the firmware revision of my PX-708A using my Windows XP system the drive reads much slower. How can I resolve this?

Verify that your drive is configured in windows XP using DUMA 2, it is possible that after a firmware update the drive data transfer mode is changed to PIO MODE 4.
This can reduce the drive's performance dramatically.
Simply change the setting of the drive to UDMA 2 and restart the system.
Your problem will be resolved once the drive is running again in UDMA 2 mode.
If this doesn't resolve your problem contact Plextor support (Contact form)

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