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   FAQ, tips and tricks - General Questions

What is a NAS (Network Attached Storage) device and what is the purpose of it?
Unfamiliar files and/or folders found on the NAS?
What can be the cause when I receive the message "The PX-EH25L is not connected properly"? (NAS connected to PC)

- What is a NAS (Network Attached Storage) device and what is the purpose of it?

Plextor NAS or Network Attached Storage device is a LAN connected HDD.
Besides high speed data sharing over the network the NAS also has additional functions such as printer sharing, automatic backup system, etc. The NAS is easy to setup as FTP-server and has additional USB ports to expand the storage capacity or to connect an external HDD for backup.

- Unfamiliar files and/or folders found on the NAS?

If the NAS is connected to the network, registered groups and/or individuals will use the NAS as storage device.
That means that different systems, systems with windows and Macintosh environments will access the NAS and create files and folders which differ from file format.
Do not delete these unfamiliar files or folders.

- What can be the cause when I receive the message "The PX-EH25L is not connected properly"? (NAS connected to PC)

  • Ensure the PX-EH25L is connected correctly to PC using the UTP cable, the power is turned on (POWER LED)
  • Ensure the switch on the back of the unit has been set to MDI-X.
  • Ensure the LAN settings in Windows are correct.

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