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Downloads - Utilities

PlexTools Professional (available from
SecuViewer (available from
PX Info ( Plextor Drive Information ) V1.26 Windows 2K/XP/Vista 482KB
RMA Info ( Confirmation RMA ticket ) V1.26 Windows 2k/XP/Vista 483KB
CD TEXT Player ( Audio CD Player with CDText ) V1.01 Win 95/98/NT/2000 110KB
PXSpeed ( Speed change for Dos ) V1.13 MS-DOS 17KB
CD-ROM Manager/2 ( Speed change for OS/2 ) V1.54 OS/2 Link

Remark: This speed change utility is not a Plextor product.
Please contact the manufacturer for all service questions.

Linux Page ( Speed Change for Linux )   Linux Link
PlextorControl ( Speed Change for Amiga ) V1.10 Amiga Link

Remark: This speed change utility is not a Plextor product.
Please contact the manufacturer for all service questions.

MacPlexTool ( Speed Change for Macintosh ) V1.00 Mac-OS Link

Remark: This speed change utility is not a Plextor product.
Please contact the manufacturer for all service questions.

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