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   Firmware versions for PlexWriter 8/20

PX-R820T V1.08
  • Added:
  • Reading of overburned Audio discs
  • Improvements:
  • Read of CD TEXT data (Error detection added)
  • Initialisation of CD-Extra discs
PX-R820T V1.07
  • Fixed Bugs:
  • Correction for reading of CD TEXT Data
  • Correction for reading of ISRC codes
  • Improvements:
  • General Read and Write performance
  • Read performance for CD-DA + Subcode (DAE)
PX-R820T V1.06
  • Added:
  • Writing of CopyBit Flag
  • Fixed Bugs:
  • SAO Support ( Cue Sheet, PMA Length, start of Lead-Out)
  • Reading of Type80 media
  • Improvements:
  • Read performance of CD-XA Mode2 Form2
  • Better compatibility with Orange Book II V3.1 specifications
  • Reduction of write errors
PX-R820T V1.05
  • Added:
  • Running OPC execution
  • Complying with writing of RAW sub-code information (CD+G)
  • Fixed Bugs:
  • Problem with Symbios SYM20810 SCSI controllers
  • Correction of Subheader setting for pregab when writing XA mode in SAO
  • Reset problem during formatting with DirectCD
  • Improvements:
  • Improvement of the write performance
  • Improvement of the read performance
  • Playability of CD Extra disc under Windows 3.51

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