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   Firmware upgrades for PX-750A

Warning: in order to avoid malfunction or other unpredictable behaviour, it is highly recommended to use only the official firmwares that can be downloaded from this page.

Self-Extracting Firmware Files

V1.03 INFO Win 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP 1112KB

V1.02 INFO Win 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP 1099KB

V1.01 INFO Win 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP 1090KB

If you have installed IAA (Intel Application Accelerator) in your PC, the firmware update for PX-750A may fail during installation, resulting in failure of the drive. If IAA is installed, please uninstall it before running the Plextor firmware updater. In case of failure, please run the firmware upgrade again after uninstalling IAA and rebooting the drive.

You can uninstall IAA through "Add or Remove Programs" of the Control Panel.
* Please refer to the following pages about Intel Application Accelerator:

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