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Welcome to the Plextor Partner Programme!

Plextor wants to optimise its commercial service and support to dealers. For this reason, we would like to offer you the opportunity to register for the Plextor Partner Programme.
You can be registered as an authorised Plextor dealer so that you can derive maximum benefit from all the advantages that the Plextor Partner Programme offers you.

Note: This programme is intended exclusively for computer dealers with a shop.
It is not intended for end-users.

What advantages does the Plextor Partner Programme offer?

  • A complete set of promotional material will be sent to you. This set consists of datasheets and empty Plextor display packs of our current products.
  • You will be included in the list of official Plextor sales outlets that appears on our Website.
  • You will be included in the list of official Plextor partners that is given to end-users on request (at exhibitions, with advertising, etc.).
  • You will regularly be informed about new Plextor products, technical data and/or updates
  • Last but not least, you will receive a welcome gift.

How do you register?

Please complete the form on this page of our Customer Relation site MyPlextor.
Upon completion, a dealer registration request will be sent to our sales staff. After review you will be confirmed as official Plextor dealer and will be included in the Plextor Partner Programme.

©2007 Plextor SA/NV, All rights reserved.